Maine Yankee

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The Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Removal was established in March 2005 to enhance open communication, public involvement and education on the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel at Maine Yankee and to advocate for its prompt removal from Maine Yankee.

The panel is an outgrowth of its predecessor the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning which was integral to the success of plant decommissioning from the beginning of the project in August 1997.

All CAP meetings are open to the public and each meeting agenda includes a public comment period. CAP members include the governor's representative, the senator from Lincoln County, a representative from the Town of Wiscasset, a Maine Yankee representative, and members of the former decommissioning CAP. CAP members have extensive knowledge about the storage and transport of spent nuclear fuel as well as the history of the government's failure to meet its obligation for removing this material.

The 2024 annual meeting of the Maine Yankee CAP was held Tuesday, October 29th at the Montsweag Restaurant on Route 1 in Woolwich, ME. The meeting included updates by Maine Yankee and the State of Maine on activities at the Maine Yankee site and on the status of the national spent nuclear fuel issue, as well as a public comment period. The next CAP meeting is planned to be held in fall 2025. Additional information will be posted here when the meeting is scheduled. Please contact Maine Yankee Government & Public Affairs Director Kathleen Capstick at with questions about the CAP.